Saturday, June 20, 2015

Begin the Week with Words

This weekend was a doozy! We traveled two hours from home to attend a music festival called Alive in Mineral City, Ohio. We spent the first day with things going wrong and the entire second day in the rain. And I mean every single minute in the rain. By the time we hit dinner we decided not to come back for the evening bands, which is a shame because they were what we came for. But it was so miserable...and every time we parked in their lots (aka fields + rain = mud pits) we got stuck and my dad had to pull us out with his truck. Every time = more than once.

I was really looking forward to this trip, especially after the rough start we've had to summer, it was very disappointing. However, I sit at the hotel pool this Saturday night, watching two of my three kids swim, with my husband at my side, and I'm reminded of Ann Voskamp's teachings about Eucharisteo. Thanksgiving in all things, with joy and grace as a result. And I recall these quotes from her book One Thousand Gifts:

"Gratitude for the seemingly insignificant—a seed—this plants the giant miracle." Voskamp

“I want to see beauty. In the ugly, in the sink, in the suffering, in the daily, in all the days before I die, the moments before I sleep.” Voskamp

And I know I have to find the good moments and focus on those, because anything else is a thief of joy. And why be an enabler to that?

I also want to share one very cool moment from this past week, an addition I had done to my shoulder tattoo, which goes along with one last Voskamp quote. Consider it one for the road:

"When we lay the soil of our hard lives open to the rain of grace and let joy penetrate our cracked and dry places, let joy soak into our broken skin and deep crevices, life grows. How can this not be the best thing for the world? For us?" Voskamp 

Wording and blue flower at end of "Eucharisteo" are original
tattoo from 2013. 


  1. I'm sorry your musical festival ended up being such a bust because of weather! In Minnesota, we usually worry about weather ruining things in the winter... but it can happen in summer too. I love your tattoo as well -- beautiful colors!

    1. Thanks Kim! Winter gets us too - you never know when snow will pile on and keep you indoors. I give color credit somewhat to my artist. I told him blue and coral and he made it not as boring with shading and color mixes!

  2. boy, I needed to hear this tonight. thanks jennine

    1. Welcome! Hope the sentiment sticks in both our minds.

  3. First of all OUCH and WOW! Pretty.

    Vacations are risky for a lot of reasons, aren't they? I'm glad you were able to find the nugget amidst the coal.

    1. Yes Ouch! Four hour sitting...I kinda impressed myself. Lol. Yea, I'm not a natural go with the flow person, so it was hard for me to stop and look for the good! Thanks!
