Tuesday, December 16, 2014

TBRs I Own Challenge

I've decided to not officially join any reading challenges for 2015, except for setting the goal of a number of books to read in the year, as I do on Goodreads every year. However, I am going to set my own goal, which I am calling the "TBRs I Own Challenge." I am going to see how long I can read books I already own before I break down and buy a new book. If you are a true bibliophile, you know this is much more challenging than it sounds. Adding a new book to my shelf satisfies me as much as reading one.

Two inspirations behind this personal challenge. My husband is job searching and I really shouldn't be buying any new books when I already own plenty to read, plus the library. Second, I keep looking at stacks of books by my bed, thinking I'll get around to them soon. The three at the bottom of the stack have been there a year-and-a-half! I have other books on shelves that I've owned for ten years, but haven't read. I want to take down my TBR pile in 2015!

A couple rules for myself:
1. E-books and physical books I pay for count against me as buying a book, obviously, but not if someone else gives them to me as a gift. (Who in their right mind would turn down free books?)

2. Library books do not count against me, but must be two year or older publications I've been meaning to read.

3. Newer books I get for free (from publishers or as prizes) do not count against me. I must still take advantage of great offers from publishers. But I will limit these big time.

4. Wishlist answers from paperbackswap do not count against me. They are all TBRs, some on the list for years now, and the credits I have are already paid for through previous trades.

5. Every book I already own counts as an option.

6. The challenge begins January 1st.

If I make it for any length of time, then the blog will be a mishmash of older publications, but maybe there will be something you all missed previously? Nothing like going back and finding a gem. I think I've set myself up with a fun little challenge to start the New Year. Anyone is welcome to try it as well. Maybe if I like it and work out some bugs, it'll become "a thing."

Anyone else determined to take down their TBR pile this year? 
Any other rules I should apply to my challenge?


  1. This sounds like a great (and challenging!) challenge. Really looking forward to seeing what's been hiding in your stacks that you end up reading through the next year. Good luck!

    1. Challenging part not being the reading, but no new buying! Lol!

  2. Sounds like a great plan to me! I had a MUCH better reading year when I was reading books from my own TBR. I need to do more of it in 2015 since I fell off the wagon this year.

    1. That's good to hear, I'm hoping for a pick up myself. I don't think I'm going to make my TBR Pile challenge that I signed up for 2014. But it's not as fun reading from a defined list, so I figured if I make 2015 any TBR I have already, it gives me more options than I need.

  3. I need to do this too. I primarily read books that are older, the only new releases I get are usually from publishers. I probably have 40 books I haven't read yet. I am joining a tbr challenge too just si I can whittle down the pile (aka make room for new books). The hard part for me will be not entering giveaways. I am a sucker for free books too!

    1. I will always take a free book if I'm interested in it! I was in a TBR challenge for 2014 and it was good, but it was a list and felt like it limited me as the year went on. Still a good challenge.

  4. This is no small thing! I try and limit myself periodically but I never count the library as new books hahaha. It's so hard when there continue to be mountains of beautiful and probably great books released ALL THE TIME. How will we ever keep up? I'm looking forward to reading about what's been in your backlog though. Good luck!

    1. I know! The newest books on my TBR are the beautiful new releases of 2013! Every year there are so many I don't get to. Hoping I can take care of a bunch, but in reality, we'll never catch up!

  5. Now, what if you are like me and you buy a book NOW to read RIGHT NOW but never read it RIGHT NOW. LOL! Sounds like a fun challenge. I tried something similar last year and cutting my spending down significantly.

    1. Yep, that's my problem exactly! I figure that's where the library comes in!

    2. Brilliant Trish! That so true! :)

  6. I've decided to narrow down the challenges I'm joining next year to the ones I feel strongly about, which mostly means those which encourage diverse reading, but I'm definitely planning on a TBR pile one as well. I've just accumulated too many books!

    1. Yep, gotta keep it to the ones you care for most. Last year I also did a Chunkster challenge, aiming for four chunksters. I ended up reading ten! So this year, I'm going to give TBRs the most attention.

  7. My only suggestion is to be sure to read the one you most want to read--the one you've been "saving" for that mythical moment when there's lots of time. :) This may sound obvious but sometimes I realize I'm not prioritizing books that I treasure or long to read as much as I should. I guess that's one big reason behind your TBR Challenge, and I think it's a great idea! Good luck at whittling down the pile!

    1. Thanks for the advice. You're quite right. If I start with those special ones, it will give me great momentum to keep moving!

  8. We're doing a similar challenge - to not buy any books (or set a budget) and read what we own. Good luck with the TBR - mine is just insanely big.

    1. Awesome! Is it a challenge of your own making too, or is there a bigger group doing this? Mine is insanely big - I could start a small library.

  9. Love the challenge. Have been staring at my TBR too and planning to seriously attack it. Hope I will manage this year so might join you in this challenge!

    1. That would be great! I feel like I can never get to the new stuff because I have this huge backlog,

  10. This sounds like a lot of fun, and a good way to start clearing shelves of books that are great but forgotten. I'm hoping to do a similar thing with the TBR Challenge, but we'll see how it goes!

    1. I liked that I got some TBRs read last year with the TBR Challenge, and it made me read others that weren't on my list too. Good luck!

  11. This is very similar to the goal i have set for myself, which is focusing on backlist reading. I'm doing this in part to read all the books i have lying around the house. Good luck!

    1. I wanted one that let me just read with a purpose, but without a list. I feel I'd read more if I didn't have to list them ahead of time. Since I've put this up, I've found two such TBR challenges like this! Although you have to link to participate, so this is still less work. But it's fun to do as a community, so next time, I'm going to link to one of the TBR challenges I found this year. Good luck to you too!
