Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Where'd You Go, Bernadette

Finally read the much praised Where'd You Go, Bernadette, by Maria Semple. And I'll say right up front I enjoyed it. The main character, Bernadette Fox, married to a Microsoft guru, devotes her life to her daughter Bee. Her devotion is clear, although as the story progresses it is obvious something is not quite right for, or with, Bernadette. She is practically a recluse, whose house is in ruins and who is shunned in the parent groups of her daughter's swanky private school. She seems increasingly flustered, anxious, and maybe a little crazy. And then, she's gone.

The story of Bernadette speaks to anyone who has put off their true calling in life, whether by necessity or force. Some people were just meant to change the world in their own way and denial of this sends them into a downward spiral. So is the case with Bernadette. The hope is that it's never too late to pick up the dream again.

I know this is a short review, but it's an oft reviewed book as it is, so short and sweet seems the best plan. Just wanted to let it be known I've conquered one of the biggies on my TBR!


  1. I've seen this book around, but I actually didn't know much about it. Thanks for your short and sweet review! The book sounds really great. :)

    1. Thanks! It was. Google around and you'll find tons of reviews on it in more detail!

  2. I read this recently, and a review will be up on in a couple of weeks. I really enjoyed it too. I particularly liked the term "gnats"!

    1. Yes! Me too. Made me wonder if anyone has a secret name for me and my friends! Lol

  3. Yayyy! Glad you liked it. This one was smart and a lot of fun.

    1. Yep! Can't pass up one so highly recommended by my most trusted book lovers!

  4. Hooray for crossing off a biggie from your TBR list! Feels so good.

    This book is so great! Maybe your review will inspire people to look at it again - I think it's been a little forgotten!

    1. Yes, I heard so much about it and then nothing. But when I mentioned I was reading it, people were telling me I'd love it.

  5. I really liked this book too. I thought it captured Pacific Northwest life so well and it made me giggle. All good.

    1. Oh, see that's a part I wouldn't have much to see...geography would've been lost on me, not being familiar with the area. Good to know!

  6. I thought this was one of the BEST books last year. I just loved it ;D

    1. Unfortunately for Berrnadette, I read Mary Roach so far this year too. She's going to be a tough one to beat!

  7. This means April is the last one left in our group who hasn't succumbed to Bernadette! So glad you liked it- Semple is smart and funny and it shows.

    1. She read it this past week! All in one day too.

  8. I kind of enjoyed the book, but months later after reading it, I can definitely say it's not for everyone. I see why people love it so much but to me, it was just alright.

    1. I think I enjoyed it a bit below everyone else's enjoyment, if that makes sense. I liked how it showed that people have to do what it is they love in life, but otherwise it was just a good story...not four or five star for me.

  9. I still need to read this one! Glad you liked it.

    1. I think that makes you the last of our group to read it!
