Friday, March 1, 2013

New Name

I am thinking about changing the name of my blog...aiming for something more book/reading centered. And it seems I write best when relating books to life experience or lessons, not just book reviews. I would prefer the title gives a hint to this...that it's more than book reviews.

All I've come up with thus far is "My Life Spent in Books" or "Nose in a Book"

I'm not very creative, so I'm willing to take some suggestions! Thanks all for your help and support.


  1. seems "Nose in a Book" is already extremely popular.

  2. "In these pages, our lives"
    "Cover to cover; beginning to end"

    Maybe some other ideas to come

  3. As you know, I like new names, they either re-invent or explain what you are about.

    How about:

    JG, Page by Page

    My Life, Page by Page

    My Life, Cover to Cover
