Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sisterhood of World Bloggers

Andi over at Estella's Revenge nominated anyone and everyone who wanted to join for the Sisterhood of World Bloggers award. I'm taking her up on it because March is proving to be quite busy and reading is just not happening. Besides, these are fun to do once in awhile.

1. Which book in your collection is closest to your heart for sentimental reasons? 

Hyperbole and a Half, by Allie Brosh. The copy I own belonged to one of the best young women I've ever had the privilege to teach, Erin. She had a beautiful personality - always smiling, always uplifting. She passed away suddenly July 2014, just a month and a half after graduating high school. I wrote a tribute to her, mentioning Hyperbole and a Half as the last book we shared together, and when I met her parents a few days later they so thoughtfully brought me her copy. I can't imagine that I will ever have a book more valuable to me.

2. What is your favorite book-related website (outside of blogs)? 

Hmmm...Book Riot is the site I seem to read from most besides people's personal book blogs.

3. In your mind, who is the best dressed character in literature (use your imagination)?

The first to come to mind is Atticus Finch, from To Kill a Mockingbird. I can see him all done up in his suit, standing before a judge and jury. The weird thing is, the story is taking place during the Great Depression, so he probably wasn't all done up. However, his character is so respectable, compassionate, and wise that he just shines in my mind and it almost doesn't matter what he is actually wearing.

4. Which author would you like to be your BFF?

Jodi Picoult. There are many authors I would choose, but she is the first I thought of when I read this question. I would love to hear about her whole process, from conceiving ideas to putting together a story.

5. What is the scariest book you've ever read? 

I learned at a young age that me and scary don't mesh. So the most I really ever read in the scary genre were Goosebumps books. The covers scared me more than the stories themselves!

6. Long books: rewarding or terrifying?

REWARDING! Love the look, feel, and reading of a big book.  Every year I pick a monster of a classic to read and more often than not, the experience I'm left with is memorable and the book itself a great story.

7. Which book cover in your collection would you love to frame and stick on the wall?

Cloud Atlas, by David Mitchell. A bit abstract maybe, and I'm no artist or interior decorator, but I can just see it hanging on a wall.

8. Which character do you wish could walk off the page and start his or her own blog? 

Severus Snape. My daughter is reading the Harry Potter series for the first time and she is totally trashing Snape. I would love to hear Snape's point of view on many of the events throughout the series. (If you don't know why, you need to read HP already!)

9. Most involving short book or short story you've read? 

I'm not really a short story reader, except when it comes to the classics like The Lady or the Tiger and The Most Dangerous Game (stuff I know from school textbooks mostly). My favorite short book is Of Mice and Men. It's so sad, but rich in theme and history.

10. Do you own any book-related accessories (tote bags, jewelry, scarves, etc.)? 

I own tons and I've written posts on at least bookmarks and clothing. And I even forgot some of my clothing in the clothing post! My newest book-related accessory is my book heartbeat shirt, a recent project of TeeSpring. It's absolutely perfect - says everything about me and books. They are as part of me as my heartbeat!

So that's about it! This was fun. I tag anyone who wants to pick it up and run with it to go right ahead. And Andi wrote pretty darn good questions, so I'd like to see your answers to them as well.


  1. Mmm, Atticus Finch. He's the best.

    Love the scary book question! I just finished re-reading Pet Semetary...eeeek!

    1. I have read some scary King stuff and did okay, but I don think it was the horror stuff. Misery and Carrie type things.

  2. Yes Atticus Finch, and oh I love that shirt so much!! I also do think reading chunky books is definitely rewarding.

    1. I'm so glad to see others think Atticus too! I could live in this shirt.
