Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My Books

Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the ALA conference in Philly this past weekend. The snow on my side of Ohio/PA was horrible and Philly is a six hour drive in good weather. The snow started at 2 a.m. and went strong Saturday, not letting up almost the entire day. Come Sunday, midday was just as bad. Today is Tuesday and I haven't been to school for two days now. Monday because of snow and today it is -17 without the windchill. I am extremely disappointed, but now I am more determined than ever to attend a bookish event and meet some fellow book bloggers!

Spending the past weekend consumed by book thoughts, I've been looking over my shelves considering what I really want to read. (I am currently dragging through Middlesex. Everyone's rave reviews are what keeps me going, but it is soooo slow right now, 200 pages in.) So I thought I'd give a tour of my bookshelves.

The Interloper was my first
 personal bookshelf
The first bookshelf sits in my living room and actually has a name - The Interloper (see here for an explanation). This bookshelf holds the most books, but being homemade and sitting on carpet, it is not sturdy. Does that stop me from using it? Heck, no! My husband bolted it to the wall! That sucker isn't going anywhere. My books are organized by genre, so this shelf holds two and a half rows of Classics and two and a half rows of fiction, alphabetical order by author last name. (I actually posted awhile back when I reorganized my shelves - the nerd in me can't help it. Note, the amazing husband in the first link above, was willingly involved in this process.)

"My son's" bookshelf
Where The Interloper leaves off, the shelf in my son's room picks up. I bought this shelf to match his bedroom furniture, in the event that he can actually use it when I get a library type room just for my books. (That's a dream for another post - my own library within my house.) The top three rows are a continuation of fiction, the bottom one and a half rows contain memoirs, and half of the bottom row is double stacked (and leaking over to cover the memoirs) with Christian nonfiction.

One picture I didn't take is the shelf in my middle daughter's room. It's a disgraceful mess because, well, it's in the room of a teenager who loves knick-knacks. I only use the top two shelves of it anyway. (Although, if I could take care of those knick-knacks, I'd be able to un-double stack my other books!) One shelf is the finishing of my fiction section and the other has books I am swapping on paperbackswap.com (find me there as LuvReading79 and feel free to use me as the reference if you ever sign up). 

My bedroom bookshelf
The last shelf in my home is in my bedroom. It is the smallest shelf, mostly intended for decorations I think, but it serves nicely for my smallest genre collections: Christian fiction, books on writing, nonfiction, myth, fantasy, and sci-fi. The top shelf (which can't be seen completely because there is a decorative piece that hangs down and I cut it from the picture) has a stack of signed books I've collected over the years - a mix of genres.

And, of course, there are the books that are sitting in stacks on my dresser and bedside table...they will end up stacked in front of or on top of the rows of these shelves. I have a very small e-book collection as well. It is a complete mix of genres and many of them are galleys I've reviewed for publishers and authors.

I can't forget my classroom shelves either! I have two new shelves, which I have attempted to split between junior high and high school, although all students are welcome to choose from either shelf. I always have books signed out, especially when other teachers and I assign independent reading. These books are all books I've bought or attained myself. For the past few years, I have used paperbackswap.com to supply my classroom shelves because it comes out to an average of $3 total per book. Can't beat that price.

High School shelf with the type of YA most of
us would enjoy reading.
Jr High shelf that contains the type of YA
some of us would look back at sentimentally.

So there you have it, a complete tour of my bookshelves! I'm attempting to borrow and use the library more - to save on the funds more than the space. I can always find more space for a bookshelf. 

Do you have a crazy collection? Or are you more of an e-book/library reader?


  1. I love love love your bookshelf tour! I wish I had so many lovely stacks. :)

    1. Thanks! This is after I thinned them out a couple years ago. I easily had another bookshelf full!

  2. That was fun! I enjoyed the tour! Your books are so organized and orderly! I try to be but at this point, I'm quickly running out of space so they are stuffed in wherever I can find space!

    No e-reader for me! I have been visiting the library more often but I prefer to buy my own books. I have 2 of those 5 cube by 5 cube Expedit book shelves from Ikea, wedged into a corner, full. Books on top as well. It's a masterpiece. But I'm running out of room and there really isn't another place in the apartment that I can fit more shelving. :( A dream for another home.

    1. I like buying mine too :) And next place I live (or if we add on to our current house) will have to have a library type room...it will be a must!

  3. Fun idea! I loved this little tour of your bookshelves!

    1. Thanks! It's always something I think of when I walk into a place - are there books? Where? How many? Which ones?

  4. I used your Paperbackswap reminder to get my account going again this weekend, it was exciting!

    I have two shelves in my living room and a big corner unit/thing :) in my office/library upstairs. I'm already running out of space! http://www.rivercityreading.com/2013/10/the-office-is-finished.html#.Uuhc6RAo7IU

    1. I love that corner shelf you have! It looks great and I bet it felt great getting it done! I tease my husband (kinda teasing) that I'm going to add a second story to our house. There will be a master bedroom with bathroom and walk-in closet, but the entire rest of it will be a library! Can you imagine almost a half of a house sized library?!

      Paperbackswap rocks! Problem is I have lots of credits and everything I want is wishlist mode right now.

  5. that are some great looking bookshelves. Love how you steal all the available space in the house ;)

    1. Haha - clever of me to buy bookshelves "for my kids," huh?

  6. Nice!! I wish I had bookshelves (I'm ashamed to say I have mine all over the place in cupboards, on my desk, etc... )

    1. Mine were mostly like that at one point. I've collected these shelves over the years and they are already not enough. I'd rather have the over abundance of books everywhere than the shelves with fewer books!

  7. Oh noooo! Philly is only a 2 hr drive for me. I had no idea about the conference. I have no shelves and a ton of books on the floor. I want custom built shelves so I'm trying to avoid buying any that I'll ultimately get rid of.

    I dont have an e-reader so no ebooks for me. And I usually only go to the library for book club selections because those are generally books that I wouldn't ordinarily buy.

    1. Oh, that stinks! It was only a $35 ticket and hotel for a night (if you stayed the weekend). Waiting is smart. The shelves I have match bedroom sets of furniture, so when I get my own library room, with custom built shelves, the present shelves will be good for my kids' individual use. Which means I cannot buy another shelf cause it would ultimately be useless. Very smart of you!

      Yes, I've just realized it's a good idea to get books I'm unsure of from the library. You're one smart cookie Shannon!

  8. Great tour! Right now I only have one shelf, but it's crammed full and I have a big stack of books on the floor. The boyfriend and I live in a 500 sq foot apartment, we don't have space for another shelf! (We don't even have room for two dressers in our bedroom). The next place will be bigger, and I'm looking forward to adding another bookshelf!

    1. In my 20s I had one shelf too! And I know that feeling! When we had our apartment we had two kids, so the one shelf was books and the other shelf held games and toys! And there wasn't room for anything else! My house is older, so the closets are tiny...my husband has my son's closet and my son's clothes hang on a metal rack we bought. It's a crazy mess squeezing us in, so there won't be any new shelves in my near future. Time to start planning an add-on to the house :)

  9. I love the tour! My book situation is out of control, my house looks like a library exploded most of the time. I love to read (of course), as do my two sons, so there are books everywhere. We all leave them laying around. I can't even get after them to pick them up because I don't pick up my own. It's a vicious cycle. :)

    1. If I had to pick something to explode through my house, a storm of books is the best choice! Books everywhere is the best mess you could hope for!

  10. Great post - but it would've been cool if you highlighted a book or two on each shelf (I'm nosy, I guess!)

    1. Why didn't I think of that? Then again, I own just about every single book I review, so the shelves are kinda displayed on this blog!

  11. You are really organized! It's a great idea to arrange your books according to genres, signed copies etc. My husband is like that and his book shelves look lovely, while mine are a bit of a mess! Since our apartment isn't really big, we have some books stored at our parents' houses. And now, I am turning to e-books to save space...

    1. My mom would die if I started bringing my books to her house! But mostly because she knows I'm always eyeing her huge bookshelf in the living room.

  12. Sorry you didn't make it to ALA. Stinkin' weather :( It's been ridiculously cold here too.

    BOOK SHELVES! Oooh, they make me so happy!! Lol

    1. Oh I bet you're getting your fair share of cold up there! But bookshelves do make it all better!

  13. What a great book tour of where you keep all of your fabulous books :D

  14. Thanks for sharing your wonderful collection with us. I myself am for of a library e-book kind of person, But I still have my fair share of books.
    Underrated Books

    1. I am finding e-books work for me in certain ways or at certain times. I like reading nonfiction and galleys on e-reader because I can highlight and take notes, which I'd never do in a real book. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. I love your Interloper! Are they always so organized, or did you clean them up just for the post?

    1. That's how the shelves typically look. I'm one of those take excessive care of my books type people...no bending of covers, dog earrings pages, or writing in books.

  16. Bummer about ALA! The weather is so aggravating sometimes! I love all your bookshelves -- so many great reads to choose from.

    1. Thanks! That's why I joined the TBR Challenge this year - I have a ton of books that apply to it!

  17. I have a crazy amount of books in my to-read stacks (839, to be exact) - which I am attempting to tame right now.

    1. Wow! I count everything I bought and haven't read as part of my TBR, but I haven't counted them since I cleaned my shelves of the ones I knew I would never read. I'm afraid to!

  18. Love all the bookshelves! Wondering if some of teenage daughters knick-knacks might meet with an 'unfortunate accident' and open up more space for books!

    Did you finish Middlesex? I'm with you- it didn't work for me and I never understood the raves. I set it aside multiple times which is not a good sign for me.

    1. That's held needs cleaned so badly! If I cleaned up all of the kiddie books - packed them away because my kids are all too old for Junie B Jones now - I could move the knick knacks down and open up shelves that way! Hmmm...I may have a project.

      I did finish Middlesex and while it was interesting, I wouldn't say amazing. Here's the link: http://www.livingawritinglife.blogspot.com/2014/02/middlesex.html
