Sunday, January 19, 2014

Getting Ready for ALA


Typically you'd write about an event after you attend, but I'm getting pretty excited about next weekend since it's my first bookish trip AND the first time I meet blogger friends in real life! I will write up a little something after, but you'll have to bear with my excitement at this moment too.

I'm attending the ALA (American Library Association) Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, PA on Saturday, January 25th and Sunday, January 26th. The meeting actually begins Friday the 25th and ends Monday the 27th, but of course I have to work. I am really happy I can sneak away for the weekend portion of the meeting though. (Once again, to my hubby who never says no to my bookish pursuits, I love you.)

The other exciting part of the weekend is that I will be attending the conference with Rebecca from Love at First Book and Katie from Doing Dewey. What's better than attending a conference than attending it with people as book-crazy as you? Not much! Very excited to meet these ladies! (Check out their blogs if you haven't already.)

I don't know what I'm in for and I don't know how or what to prepare, but from the looks of the program and advice of other bloggers, there's going to be an overwhelming amount of everything to take in: publisher product giveaways, books, ARCs/galleys, author signings and speakers, etc. I've pinpointed five authors I'd like to see and have sign my books! Who are they? Well, you'll just have to wait until next week to find out ;)

Which bookish conferences/trips have you taken...or do you want to take?


  1. Also, give any advice you may have from experience, even if not book related.

  2. Enjoy your trip and say hi to Rebecca and Katie ;)

  3. Y'all are going to have so much fun!

  4. I can't wait to hear how everything went when you come back! It sounds like you're going to have an awesome time :)

  5. Read through the program more last night...there's no way we'll even get to it all!

  6. Have a great time- and pack Band-Aids! You'll need them for your feet because it's a lot of walking around and standing.

    So jealous you're getting to meet blogging friends- take photos!

    1. I will take a ton of pics! Cleaning out my iPhone camera for it! Thanks for the advice.

  7. I'm soooo excited, too!!!! :D

  8. This sounds like a riot! Have a blast, you crazy kids!
