Sunday, February 14, 2016

Begin the Week with Words

This week's quote is an excerpt from a daily devotional I receive by email, Wisdom Hunters. This is only a piece of the bigger topic discussed (full post here), but I like it because it's how I feel about relationships. Different levels for different types of relationships, of course, but the sentiment remains - show people they are loved.

"When we love someone, we live our lives in ways that show our affection to be true and genuine. We are especially attentive to the needs, concerns, and desires of the one we love. We learn to receive love and love in return, not simply by words of affection but through tangible acts of love, self-sacrifice, and faithfulness." 


  1. It's been a while since I last visited your blog. Glad to back :) What a beautiful quote. I wish more people would view love like this.

    1. Agree! It seems few take the time to do this. Welcome back!
