Sunday, February 21, 2016

Begin the Week with Words

Well, I didn't make it around to posting this week, but two good things happened. We are totally moved out of our house and it's up for sale and I started Voyager, aka Outlander #3. Hoping for an upswing in the schedule and reading time this week. And to set the mood, a wonderful quote from Jamie Fraser in the first season of Outlander (not sure it's a book quote though). I love the quote because it's Jamie Fraser...duh...but also, the ultimate romance/love and it feels to me like the way my husband treats me.

"She asked forgiveness and I gave it, but the truth is I'd forgiven everything she'd done and everything she could do long before that day. For me, that was no choice, that was falling in love." 


  1. Replies
    1. I know - he never gets old. Everything he says is wonderful!

  2. Oh my goodness I love that quote! I need to get into the Outlander series. I have the first book but haven't gotten the oomph to tackle it yet. Perhaps a summer project, or after I finish the All Souls Trilogy? Hmmm.... great post!:)

    1. Summer is a good idea. I read the first one last summer. I loved it so much I tackled the second the first half of the school year and am now on the third. Once you meet Jamie Fraser, you can't get enough.

  3. Swoon at that quote. I really need to get to Outlander this year. Congrats on the move, so exciting!

    1. Thanks! And yes, I will do what everyone did to me: READ OUTLANDER! Lol

  4. Congratulations on de-cluttering! (your other post) You have no idea what I wouldn't give to have time to do the same.

    As to having achieved such a huge accomplishment - b/c moving from point A to B is NEVER easy, I give you a double virtual high five!

    Get this. I've never read the Outlander series or watched the show. (is that a collective gasp from the Universe I hear?) :)

    1. *GASP* Donna, please join us on planet Earth and read Outlander. But it is a long series of big books, so good timing is needed.

