Sunday, September 6, 2015

Begin the Week with Words

I didn't forget Sunday Sentence, just delayed! For the past three weeks, there hasn't been much up on the blog, but that's changing this week. Besides a couple book reviews, we have author Claire Fuller posting a review later this week, and hopefully Student Spotlights starting up again.

As a side note, blog self hosting is on hold for now. My car needed repairs and apparently so does my dog, so....yea, broke the bank.

And, finally, two Tyler Knott Gregson poems I came across this week. The man is seriously talented. I read his poetry and either can relate to it now or would have sometime in the past. I wish I could write feelings so clearly and beautifully!


  1. Oh no! Bummer about the self hosting delay! Hope your puppy's on the mend!

    1. Puppy is waiting to be scheduled for teeth pulling! Ugh! She's somehing else though, so I think she'll pull through fine.
