Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Going to be a Mommy...

No books today, but a really funny FB stunt to discuss. Actually, if you are reading this from my FB link, you're either a regular reader of my blog or you fell for it! Lol! Fell for what? Well, I liked one of those statuses that gets you in trouble on FB last week. You know, your friend says she won $900 on a lotto scratch ticket and of course you'll like it, except it was a joke and by liking or commenting, you then have to post a possibly embarrassing status without explanation.

I waited at first, knowing that the status choice stating "I'm a mommy again" would get a crazed mess of response from my FB crowd - so haha if you clicked my link based on this title. My kids are 16, 14, and 10 years old and EVERYONE knows that despite how much I love babies and toddlers, I am so happy to have independent children and have NO desire to start anew. And then I thought I waited too long for the whole joke and wasn't going to post anything. But within a few days, I did become a new mommy of sorts! 

On Monday, a co-worker told me about a puppy his family recently brought home. Not just any puppy, but a dachshund! (Ummm, if you don't know my love of dachshunds, you don't know me! My six-year-old mini dachshund Samoa is THE BABY in our house.) He said the tiny puppy wasn't doing well with the bigger dog they have and he was hoping to find a new home for the puppy. Completely understandable. So, thinking it was a small chance, I sent off a text and picture to my hubby, who wants a "big" dog one day, but is stuck with a wife who adores ankle biters.

Turns out my husband's a sucker for a cute face too. To make sure, I listed all of the possible reasons we might not want a third dog, and yet he said why not? So arrangements were made and the very next day, yesterday that is, we "became parents again." (Yep, with my kids growing up I've purposely adopted small dogs who will stay baby size and cuddly forever! I'm sure there's a Freud field day going on in my subconscious somewhere.) 

We picked him up and returned home nonchalantly, telling our kids we had some news. Cause, yea, joke's on them too. They are always wanting us to have a fourth kid, but from the sounds of it, it would be more like their little pet! So, when my husband walked in with the puppy after my "announcement" and the implied "news" shifted in their heads, they were just as thrilled. And so they should be. The puppy is a beautiful silver dapple miniature dachshund. 

And the kids want to name him now. I'm thinking favorite characters, of course, like Atticus, Gatsby, or Fraser (as in Jamie Fraser!). My family is thinking anything else! My husband said Bronco (he's a Denver fan), but then decided he wants to save that name for his future big dog. One friend, BC, who was with me when my husband came with the puppy to pick me up last night, said we should name him Dapple, since that's the name for the pattern of his coat. So far, it is sticking. 

Anyway, thanks for reading and sharing in our excitement. I'm sure I will have more fun dog stories to share in the near future, since the puppy loves to jump on our ten-year-old pug fox terrier and poor Samoa runs at the sight of him! 

Isn't he adorable?!


  1. Very cute! You had me though, I thought there was a baby!
    I would totally go with a character name as well. Or a composer.
    Love the Freud field day in your head.:)

    1. Lol! Thanks! I have too many favorite characters to choose from is the problem!

  2. Awww, how cute! Congrats on your new poppy :)

  3. Ohh what a cute little baby-puppy!
    Congratulations on your renewed motherhood :))
    The post has been very funny too. It's a shame the protagonist didn't get Fraser as a name (I saw on Instagram that he is finally Gatsby)

    1. I know...I was really rooting for Fraser at one point, but figured it's amazing my kids all agreed on a character name at all! They hear me talk about The Great Gatsby a lot over the years and I've made them watch the movie more than once, so it's like second nature to them. Lol...brainwashing some would say ;)

  4. What a cutie!! You guys are going to have so much fun.

    1. He is fun, but also like having a toddler again. Can't get anything done when he's wide awake and ready to go!

  5. OMG Jennine! He is so stinking cute! And I love the name Dapple, I really do.

    We've thought of getting another little one for our little guy here. He's so small though and finding another one that will match his weight - or maybe not go over by .5 lbs or a l lb at the most is HARD. He only weighs about 3.9. The tinier, the more expensive generally - and finding one to adopt is even harder. I'm a stickler about the weight b/c the foster mom he was with said he stopped playing with her Maltese after she got bigger than him. And she was only 5 lbs.

    On top of that, he's SO quirky/nervous/skittish. He's easily frightened, so...IDK.

    Anyway! Adorable!

    1. I know what you mean. I love dachshunds and I never seem to find the pm in the rescue places. I consider this a rescue of sorts, lol. And the kids ended up going with Gatsby. He's getting used to it a little now. He's a stinker though!

  6. I'm loving all of the photos so keep taking them!

    1. I had to start a separate Instagram for my dogs. we3weenies it's called, lol. I've hit that point where my dogs are my babies I think!
