Sunday, November 10, 2013

Begin the Week with Words

“My date brought me a bouquet of nearly dead roses. I had to cradle them in the crook of my elbow, but their heads kept slipping off my arm like a drunken woman being carried to bed" (pg 105).

                                               Paris in Love, by Eloisa James


  1. Replies
    1. I know! Good example of the power of literary devices!

  2. Lovely quote! Paris in love sounds like a nice book (I went to look it up on goodreads :))

    1. It's set up as longer essays to start a chapter and then the rest of a chapter is in snippets. She kept a journal and FB posts as she lived there and these snippets are from those two places.

  3. I love it when an author is able to capture so vividly, and with unique words, their perspective of a moment. This was so highly visual, as AG said above.

    1. I agree. I just finished the book and it was okay, not really my preferred way of setting up a story. But, her descriptions, like above, were great. They always caught my eye.
