Tuesday, August 19, 2014

End of the Summer

My favorite place in the summer: Home. Where I live
and work are neighboring towns, both beautiful country.

The blog has been somewhat quiet...I've at least had a post a week plus Sunday Sentence, but two things are slowing me down. I'm in the middle of the chunkster Crime & Punishment, which I am finding much more accessible than I expected, but has also kept me from reading for other reviews or thinking up other post ideas.

The rest of my time I have spent dreading the start of the school year. Not that I'm dreading school itself necessarily, just the whole "getting into the groove." There's so much prep work to get a classroom up and ready to run. Plus the graduation project I have to put in place for this year's Freshman class and any students moving into the district. There's also the thought of collecting paperwork and getting my book club running. Nothing very hard, just so much of it to do! So, as someone who is meticulously organized and will be a batty mess until it is done, this week I've been overwhelmed to the point of just doing nothing...just ugh.

I've also been spoiled, which ends this year. The past three years I had students who I already knew before they walked into my room because I'd had them in junior high before I was moved to the senior high grades. The beginning of a school year is so much easier when you already know students' names and what to expect. It was great! This year I know a few here and there, but otherwise, it's all new ground. (English 11 as before and Honors English 9, which I haven't taught for three or so years.)

So, it's about midnight now and tomorrow/today (8/19) is my first day back. (My up til 2am deal is going to crash me quick, but it's still hard to break. I've always been a night owl.) As you read this I am likely eating breakfast, which is kindly provided and served to us by a local church for our first teachers' day back. Or I'm sitting in one of many meetings we attend to establish ourselves for the year. Either way, summer is over and I'm ready to get myself organized. And more importantly, meet the young people with whom I'll be spending the year. Knowing what I do from years and students gone by, much of it from hindsight, I understand the prep is needed, but also secondary. Once those students and I get started, only God knows where the adventure will take us.

Here's to the end of the summer and the start of something new! (Yea, yea, I mixed Theory of a Deadman with High School Musical, so sue me...my creative juices are still on summer vacation.) I promise, by mid September I should be back to regular reading and blogging mode!


  1. Cheers to the end of summer and getting back into a groove. Online classes at the university started for me yesterday. Not too many frantic students emailing, so I take that as a good sign.

    1. Definitely the good part is that I will be in a schedule, so things will actually get done! Lol!

  2. Love the picture...not so much the title of your post. "End Of Summer." Noooooo! For me it's not so drastic...b/c of being "here." All the time. No more early morning I-40 madness, with theconstruction workers driving like they're on suicide missions. No more spreadsheets, and org charts and headcount analyses. The way I know summer is over is our neighbor's kids shoot hoops (relentlessly) or chase their dog "Grady," till he barks (relentlessly) or pick fights with one another, until one screams (relentlessly). I.e. the summer *quiet* is gone/over/done with.

    Here's to a fresh start for you! Hope your 2 a.m. habit doesn't send you into snoozeville in the middle of that stimulating meeting. :)

    1. I was told by a retired teacher friend that the year I absolutely dread going back is when I'll know when I should retire, or at least soon. I've got 20 years to go though. I think part of the end of summer sadness for me isn't even work - it's the loss of the nice weather. You are lucky that way Donna!

  3. I am so stoked for the end of summer. But school here doesn't go back til September (the Tuesday after Labour Day every year) so it's hard to think about it being the end just yet. And in our province the teachers are on strike so it's not looking very likely that they will get back to it on time. But man am I ready to get back into the swing of things. Even though I've been working all summer, it always feels different - everyone in the office is on holiday, nothing really gets done because the players are away.

    Hope you get everything done and that this is a great year for you and your students! And well done on Crime and Punishment. Glad to hear it's more accessible than you thought it would be. The onset of fall is making me think that maybe it's time to give War and Peace a go again.

    1. My own kids go back the Wednesday after Labor Day...it varies quite a bit within our area. So, yea, they have weeks still and don't share my pain! But thanks - the day went very well!

  4. Glad you had a good day back. The end of summer hit me too as we found out my middle schoolers schedule and bought his last school supplies. I hope your classes are full of book lovers and great students!

    1. Ah yes, we did my kids' school supply shopping today. They go back September 3rd, so they are still soaking up the summer fun. If there aren't already book lovers, I'm hoping to create some!

  5. First of all (and most importantly) THANK YOU for what you do. I have such admiration and respect for teachers- and even more for English teachers (not too surprising, right?!).

    Cut yourself some slack and go with the seasonal changes- slowing down, taking time to enjoy the last of the sun and warmth. The books will still be here when you're ready!

    1. Thank you Catherine :) And thanks for the reminder/advice. Living in the moment!

    2. Thank you Catherine :) And thanks for the reminder/advice. Living in the moment!

  6. Both my daughters are teachers and tomorrow they begin the year with meetings. My youngest starts student teaching, high school, she loves the big kids. My oldest daughter, in full swing next week, she loves the little ones and can't wait to get back.
    They each complained about summer ending, the unstructured part, being what they will miss the most.
    Me, I work all year round and in no way could I be a teacher. You all have halos, I would have an arrest record.
    Best of luck for getting back in the fray.

    1. Thanks Carolynn. Best of luck to your daughters as well! I've got the week planned, so I'm feeling better about it. I don't mind the structure, but then again, the lack of structure is what made my pool so enjoyable all summer long!

  7. (reading up on my backlog of blogposts...)

    Ha, I am reading Crime and Punishment as well. i'm not that far in yet, I find it difficult to find the right heasspace, although it is indeed more accessible than I thought. Have you finished it yet?

    1. Did just finish it last week. I was just commenting to someone that story-wise, it wasn't my favorite classic, but I think I enjoyed it because it wasn't as bad as I was expecting
