Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mr. Literary - a B&N production

A co-worker and fellow biblioholic found these videos today on one of the Barnes and Noble channels. The main character, Mr. Literary, only answers in quotes, much to the chagrin of those around him. I wish I had the ability to memorize quotes like nobody's business! Can you identify any of the quotes in the following videos? Click on the links and take a look. (I tried my best to post the videos here, but, the links would not read in the video placement tool...sorry!)

Mr. Literary Goes on a Blind Date

Mr. Literary Attends the Reading of a Will

Mr. Literary Tries Out for a Job. (The one quote I could identify was in this video!)

Mr. Literary Tangles With the Law

Mr. Literary Goes for a Check-up

Hope you enjoyed those! My co worker said she thought of me when she saw them. I only wish I could be so socially inept due to my ability to memorize awesome quotes ;)


  1. This is interesting! Thank you for sharing! I only watched his date, but I am going to check out some of the others, too.

    -Rebecca @ Love at First Book

    1. My favorites are the doctor and police officer ones. I don't know if these are posted often or not on B&N.

  2. Oh my goodness, there are funny and creepy all at the same time. If I ever considered using quotations for all of my speech, I don't now.

    1. I couldn't do it. My memory for quotes is horrible, even though I love them!
