Wednesday, March 30, 2016

March Fitness Update

Here we are, the end of March, time for another fitness update. About mid-month I noticed that I had to keep pulling up my pants (the ones that were really tight when I started in January) and that my Fitbit strapped onto my wrist easily beyond the usual hole I used. I weigh myself once weekly, but have just now noticed the loss besides the scale reading. Between January and mid-March I've lost 12 pounds. 

In January a workout friend had said that within a couple months the difference would be noticeable to me and a few months past that, it would be noticeable to others. Figuring my pants and Fitbit were making it obvious to me at least, I took a picture to compare to my January picture. You don't necessarily see the changes in something when you look at it every day, so I was pretty impressed with what I saw reflected between the two pictures (January and March respectively).

Then life struck and I missed half a month of workouts. We are finishing off the process of closing on our new house renovation loan and I've spent evenings gathering paperwork and running it to the needed destinations or meeting contractors and consultants at the house for inspections. Which means it had to work around usual activities, some things were pushed to other nights/days, plus the kids' activities...and the workouts ended up sacrificed.

It sucks, but it showed me something worth realizing. Over Easter weekend, within two weeks of missing workouts, I found myself highly uncomfortable and in some pain...definitely in need of my chiropractor. Since I started in January, I've barely had to see my chiropractor and when I did, it wasn't because I was highly uncomfortable or in a whole lot of pain. The workouts were keeping my chiropractic needs in check.

Also, I discovered that because I wasn't working out, I struggled more with eating healthy. Knowing I sacrificed and sweated to workout kept me eating healthy because I didn't want it to all be a waste of time. Without the workouts I didn't feel I had as much of a reason to stick to the better eating choices. As of now, I gained back the two pounds I'd lost since the beginning of March.

Needless to say, my part of the legwork for the new house is done and the workouts are coming back full force. I'm ready to feel good again!


  1. Wow I'm impressed by the pictures, Jennine. It has to be really rewarding for you to look at them and see THE RESULTS.
    Great you are on track again after those two weeks, and I love the idea of thinking positive and learn the lesson from the missing workouts. You are my hero!

    1. Haha - thanks Isi. Seems it's always best to take what you can from every situation and move on.

  2. Wow! Great work! Setbacks happen, just keep going!

    1. Not getting hung up over the set backs is half the battle, right?!

  3. OMG, Jennine! The difference between those two pictures is unbelievable! I got a Fitbit for Christams. I had one two years ago but was allergic to the nickel they used at the time, and had to return it. Now they've developed that newer technology, it's working out just fine - pun intended! Great job...!

    1. Thanks! It is quite the nifty little motivational tool!

  4. You go girl! I just joined a gym myself and your post inspired me to 1) actually go, and 2) take a before picture. Look forward to seeing more successes!

    1. Nice! Glad you took a before pic, it really lets you see your progress more than what you think you remember.

  5. oh nice!! This inspires me. I started walking (by the seaside) before I get into the running thing, but I've just been so lazy.

    I must admit that doing some form of exercise makes me feel good. I think it's because of winter approaching.

    It must be so rewarding to see the results of your hard work. Congrats!

    1. It's crazy that it does make me feel good, yet one miss can really derail me. March was somewhat of an exception of that, but it is hard to get back to my earlier weekend workouts...don't want to get out of bed sometimes!

  6. Wow you look great. I have been on a diet for the past 2 months and I am also so pleased with the results. The main thing that I changed were my eating habits. I cut out all of the excess sugar and I tried to eliminate all of the processed foods. The only exercising I am doing is walking.

    Marion Freeman @ Covered Bridge Chiropractic

    1. Thanks! I'm agree lots of it is eating. My exercise has been slacking and I've maintained my weight loss for April. Sugar is a big one to cut and helps a lot.

  7. I think you hit the nail on the head. Losing weight and becoming healthy really is a total lifestyle transformation. Sure you have to diet but there is also working out and staying on top of other things like chiropractor appointments and such. You look so great in these most recent photos- what a motivation you are!

    Michale Heim @ Burke Chiropractic

    1. Thank you! It also helps to surround yourself with supportive people and people with like goals.
