Sunday, September 8, 2013

Birthday Books/Rants

A reader's birthday is not complete unless she gets books. (Oh dear God, I originally wrote that sentence with "they" in place of "she" and then realized I had just taught my seventh graders this past week not to mix up numbers when using pronouns. You cannot have the singular "reader" and use "they" as the pronoun. Wow...the years I teach grammar, it haunts me. The years I don't, I forget everything I know.)

Anyway, September 7th was my birthday and my mother-in-law gave me a Barnes & Noble gift card. She knows if she gives me money, I'll pay bills or put gas in my car, which drives her nuts. She is all about the fun, surprise, and getting a nice present of birthdays and Christmas. I'm the opposite, practical-to-a-fault type. However, she knows and I know, that there is no way I will turn down or be unhappy with a Barnes & Noble gift card! It's a win-win present!

In between all the events and errands of the day I was able to stop by B&N and spend my gift card. It wasn't difficult. Well, the actual buying wasn't difficult. I spent free time throughout the week pouring over my wishlist on paperbackswap and the top titles of my TBR list. THAT was difficult! But here's what I ended up with:

Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison, by Piper Kerman. It's a memoir and the basis for the Netflix original series. I had been thinking of taking up the series on Netflix and when I found it was a book, of course, I had to read it first. Luckily, B&N had the original cover...I loathe movie covers. Although movie covers probably draw otherwise uninterested people to a book, I am all about the book first and always buy the original cover (or a redone cover from later editions). So, you can sympathize with me when I got home, took a good look at the book, and found a red square at the top right of the cover that reads "Now a Netflix Original Series." Gahhhhh! What the hell! This is NOT the series cover! Save that crap for the series cover. Leave the original unblemished. I'm debating emailing the publishers...really. Is nothing sacred?

City of Fallen Angels, by Cassandra Clare. This is #4 in the Mortal Instruments series, now well known because of the movie of the first book, City of Bones. I read the first four of the series at least three and four years ago...way before a movie was considered. When I bought a boxed set of the first three, I was unaware that three more books and a trilogy of prequels were on the way. That's six more! Why do they sell a boxed set of anything when they know darn well more books are coming? What a waste! (Don't get any ideas Suzanne Collins!) So I've read this one, but needed it on my shelf. I have students interested in the series, so this one will go straight to my classroom library. And I'll reread it and the first three as soon as the last book comes out in 2014.

Crossed, by Ally Condi. This is another one that will go straight to my classroom shelf. I have Matched there already and figured it's about time I got the next book in the trilogy. (I'm in the middle of collecting at least five different series of books for my classroom, my main source being paperbackswap. Can't beat $3 a book for just shipping!) However, I realized this could possibly be a problem! I have Matched because it was a book list choice for the reading festival my school's gifted program attends. They give me the books afterwards to put in my classroom. A trend I'm noticing is that if they have the first book one year, they use the second book the next. For example, I have Divergent from last year and will get Insurgent this year. Oh please, no double copies! I'm emailing the gifted teacher to make sure!

The World's Strongest Librarian, by Josh Hanagarne. This was a splurge, even with the gift card, because it's hardback, but it's just a nice book. It has an unusual shape (long as a big hardback, but narrower) and the cover has an unusual roughish texture. I've heard this one praised over and over, especially among the blogs I follow. So, no rant here...not yet ;)

Oh and watching The Great Gatsby for the fourth time, I realized all the monograms around Jay Gatsby's mansion could be mine! We have the same initials! So I've printed and laminated a few of these and hung them around my classroom! They're also the screens on my iPad, personal computer, and laptop at work too!

Ahhh, despite the busyness of the day and the many rants of a bibliophile, nothing says Happy Birthday like a quick stop at B&N and a salted caramel mocha frap. Any fun bookstore trips lately?


  1. Happy Birthday! Birthday books are the BEST! It's always a good time to splurge :)

    1. Yes! I mean, I don't need and excuse to buy books, but birthday books you can splurge guilt free! Thanks!

  2. Good birthday books! I totally feel the same way about my book covers - I actually didn't buy a copy of Serena the other day because it said "Now a major motion picture!" I decided I'll try to find a used copy. I know, totally crazy.

    I just watched Gatsby for the fourth or fifth time last night, too...and it just gets better and better :)

    1. Not crazy! And it does get better and better! My students started the book Friday and I'm seeing all these pieces of dialogue and character that are so intricately woven. Makes me want to tell anyone who hasn't read the book that they can't judge the movie - based on plot anyway! I have a friend who knows about movie production - that I can't judge except to say I loved it! Lol

  3. You teach grammar? Now I'm completely self-conscious because I throw pronouns around like a fool.

    I love knowing I'm not alone in my freakishness- my mother won't give me money because I pay bills (don't mean to but that's what happens). She gives me gift cards and it fun to buy thigns I normally wouldn't.

    I hope you post about Orange because everyone is talking about it. Have fun with your books!

    1. Trust me, I throw all kinds of grammar rules out the window when I talk and write. I'm not the stereotypical English teacher grammar obsessed perfectionist. Ha! I will post about Orange and the Librarian books!

  4. I love giving gift cards for this very reason. Some people say they're impersonal, but I think if you get a gift card to a place you love to shop but is sort of a luxury for you, it's the BEST. I routinely ask for Amazon gift cards for birthdays/Christmas, because cash will end up being put to hideously practical use. Everybody knows Amazon dollars are all going straight into my Kindle! I'm excited you got to have fun with a book haul! (Oh and that Josh Hanagarne book is fantastic, you'll love it!)

    1. Totally agree on the gift card! I would take hundreds of dollars on a card to my favorite shop over boxes of stuff to unwrap! I bought the Hanagarne book because of everyone's raving posts! Can't wait!

  5. A belated Happy Birthday! I'm glad that you were able to go and splurge on some books - a great compromise between you and your MIL!
    Orange is the New Black is such a GREAT book. It's wonderful but totally different from the show. I also really love the show but they're definitely different. That said, I really do sympathize with you on the Netflix sticker. Why can't it be removable? I never buy movie covers if I can help it either. Or anything with "Oprah's Book Club Selection"

    No book binges for me, at least not in bookstores. I'm trying to do the library thing more often!

    1. I figured they'd be different - the minute I wanted to start watching the series and found out there was a book, I knew I better read the book first!

      I have a feeling this will be my last binge in awhile...I've got plenty of books to hold me over though!

  6. Okay everybody, join in...happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Janine, happy birthday to you !!!!!

    I used a year's supply of exclamation points for your birthday. They are my gift to you. Use them wisely. Do not text and use exclamation points, it's against the law and dangerous.

    BTW, my daughter read Orange is the New Black and loved it. It was all she talked about for days.
    I read the book Averil recommended, The Age of Miracles. THAT BOOK BLEW ME AWAY. Read it in two sittings. I would have read it in one but I actually had to work for my paycheck.

    1. Thank You! (See, I'm sharing the exclamation points.) Can't wait to read it - was it teacher daughter who read it? And I plan on reading the one Averil recommended too.

  7. I hope that you had a great birthday! And love the bookishness!! I'm the same way as you with birthday cash but a few weeks ago I visited Half Price Books and picked up a few new titles including Night Film.

    I've been curious about Orange is the New Black! Enjoy!! (And agree with movie tie-in covers--the worst!)

    1. It was a good day - typical mom birthday, where everyone else has stuff you need to help with and get done, but it all got done and as a mom, that's a good day! Lol.

      Can you believe I have yet to look into Half Price Books and Book Depository? I hear about them all the time though. Will go there next time I'm looking for something.

    2. Half Price Books is a used bookstore across the country but I don't think they're everywhere. Happen to be based in Dallas so lots around me. It's an awesome store but better for browsing than looking for something specific. I believe they have an online store but I've never looked into it.

    3. I wonder if their site is That may be what I was thinking of.
