Monday, March 11, 2013

New Adventure

I recently signed up for NetGalley, a wonderful website I learned of from one of my favorite blogs, The Book Wheel. NetGalley posts selected books prior to publication for members to request. Members, who have built a detailed profile around their areas of reading influence, can request books from publishers in numerous genres. If a publisher approves you, they provide an electronic Advanced Readers' Copy (ARC) that you can download to a number of reading devices, apps, or even your computer. Once read, members can post reviews on his/her blog, website, etc., and send a link of the review with comments to the publisher. Reviews are not required, but will aid in receiving ARCs in the future. NetGalley is free to bloggers, reviewers, educators, librarians, and others who have a love of books and wide range of influence in the reading world.

I have a small pile of ARCs awaiting me. So you can get an idea of the wide range of topics and authors, here is a list of books publishers approved and sent me. These reviews will be popping up on my blog as their publication dates draw near:

What a Son Needs From His Mom - Cheri Fuller (Christian/Parenting&Family)

What Your Daughter Isn't Telling You - Susie Shellenberger & Kathy Gowler. (Christian/Parenting&Family)

The Allure of Order - Jal Mehta (Nonfiction/Professional&Technical) This book is on America's constant and failing efforts to reshape education...most recently NCLB.

The Silver Star - Jeanette Walls (Literature/Fiction Adult) There's a big name for you, author of the popular memoir, The Glass Castle.

Shakespeare Saved My Life - Laura Bates (Biography/Memoir)

I am really excited about this new aspect of my reading adventures. I guess some would wonder if this is a paid gig, it's not, but if you love something and want to gain experience, you've gotta start somewhere. You never know where any given experience will take you.


  1. Oh, you're gonna be great at this. Reading is your gig, and you'll be supporting all those writers whose work you enjoy.

    Good for you, Jennine.

    1. Thanks! Would be great if one day it was the works of all my Betsy-ites I reviewed here!

  2. I love your new name and what you are doing. How wonderful, it's so you. And...the Joseph Campbell quote, very appropriate.
    My favorite quote of his,which I have spouted so often, sorry if I am repeating myself,

    "We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us."
    Those words changed my life.

    Betsy-ite reviews...I love that too.

    1. Yes, love that quote too! Easier said than done, but often worth the risk.
