Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Four Years...and Who Knows What Next?

So this is how busy my life has been four year blogging anniversary was yesterday (July 12th) and I only remembered cause I read someone else's four year anniversary post from last week and realized mine was passing as I read. So technically I'm writing this post at 12:15 AM on July 13th and doing so quickly because there's a ten-month-old down the hall who will likely be up in less than five hours after I post it.

Yep, a baby. Nope, not mine. I'm babysitting for my friends who traveled back to their home state to perform a wedding and fulfill some speaking engagements. They also have a 4 1/2 and 2-year-old, so I've basically moved in for the week with my 15-year-old daughter who is a huge help and great company. And that explains the crazy of this week. It's all coming back to me, my own three were all within five years so I remember it's just constant going of kids and house...I remembered right.

Speaking of houses, that's where the last few weeks have gone. We are coming to an end of our new house renovations, but it's looking like the last few big things will happen all at once and bam, we'll be in. But, the two weeks we painted I was at the house almost daily for 10-12 hours. By the last few days we were working so hard, the only meal I ate was dinner and my voice lost from sheer exhaustion. I've never worked so hard physically. But it's done and alongside laying our own flooring (let's not go there right now), saved us enough money to buy a better kitchen than our loan allowed, so it's all good!

And so, the poor blog finally gets a mention on its own anniversary post. My Life in Books has been a great source for me. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many people with similar interests and loves and I've learned to embrace my love of literature constructively and without shame. As for this year, I foresee a shift. Starting my doctorate, I plan on tracking my studies through blog posts. That will include reviews because I'll obviously be reading a ton for school, but hopefully some other interesting related topics too.

So thank you to everyone who supports me and this blog in any way. It's always a pleasure to talk books and life.


  1. Happy blog anniversary! Keep going!

  2. Happy belated blog birthday! And good luck with the upcoming move :)

  3. Congratulations! My 4 years was earlier this week and I didn't even manage a post about it! You've been crazy busy lately so my hat is off to you for remembering. I can't wait to see what's next for you!

    1. Thank you Allison and happy four years to you too!

  4. Hey!! Happy Blogoversary! It's so funny, because my third blog anniversary just happened in July and I did NOTHING. Didn't even mention it because it passed by me, sort of like yours did.

    Also, apparently I've been missing your blog and several others. Something went wonky on my blog's facebook page. That's where I read all the blogs that I have "liked." So since that was not working anymore, I went back to Bloglovin, which I haven't used for a couple of years and was adding blogs to the list that I want to follow. I put yours in and now I see these posts I've missed.

    I need a techno tutor. Seriously. And if I don't get one, my blog is always going to look the same. Sigh....

    1. Technology is such a love/hate relationship. Happy three years to you and many more for us both!
