Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Day in the Life

This year I'm joining the "A Day in the Life" event hosted by Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity. It was fun last year to see what my blogger friends had going on outside of their reading schedules. I chose a day randomly, woke up one morning and thought, okay I'll track today. I mean, there's always something going on, but I wanted to give an idea of a random/typical day of my week to give the true feel of the event.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

6:30am: Out of bed, showered, dressed, and out the door around 7:15. We are currently living in a two bedroom apartment while the house we are buying is renovated. That's two adults, three teenagers, and three dogs. So, everyone is kind of on top of each other getting ready, which means grumpiness from all sides some mornings. This morning not particularly bad though.

7:30am: At work and within ten minutes three of my students from last year come to visit. They come to my room to say hi and start the day every day. Today is Wednesday though, which are club meeting days, so they are in my room for about 25 minutes instead of ten and joined by ten more students who constitute the book club I run, Reading Warriors. I enjoy having them there to relax and talk and start the day with a laugh.

8:30am: Period 1, the day has officially begun. I have an open morning schedule (no classes until about the half point of the school day) because of my prep period and the period I'm given in exchange for running the Graduation/Senior Project (aka Sr Proj). And that's what's on the schedule today. Freshman year our students begin a Google slide project that culminates through all four years of high school and must be completed to graduate. Throughout those years they use the project to discuss items they've learned within and outside of classes, as well as job shadow, attend a board meeting, serve 25 hours of community service, and write a resume. During the week of Easter break their Senior year, each student presents to a pair of panelists (teachers and administrators) and the project is considered complete.

So the next two hours consist of tracking down Seniors who are running out of time to finish before presentations on March 21st and 22nd. There aren't too many and I'm confident we'll finish, but I make a few calls to parent just to make sure. I have not had a year yet (in eleven years) where a Senior did not finish the project.

10:30am: Period 4, Sophomore English. A class of 15 boys and five girls, so yea, you know what this is going to consist of, distractions. We are in the middle of reading A Separate Peace. They aren't particularly interested, haven't been for anything we've done really, but we're pushing through, reading together and discussing.

11:15am: Periods 5&6 are AP Literature - Juniors. I LOVE these classes. Overall, a great group of young people. We just finished reading The Scarlet Letter the week before and they hit it out of the park. The work we did and discussions we held blew me away. Today they are brainstorming for their research project/paper on The Scarlet Letter, which is to analyze the story through a specific lens of their choice (psychological, biographical, historical, etc.). They work and talk as they go, asking questions as needed and I continue to stalk those Seniors I need to give a talking to in between.

12:40pm: Lunchtime. I read while I eat my apples and peanut butter. Often times I work as I eat if I have a stack of grading to do, but just as much, I use it as relaxation time to read or go through my blog's email.

1:15pm: Last two periods of the day are Honors English 11 and studyhall. Research projects on a topic of choice and more stalking of Seniors and the school day is done.

3:30pm: My middle daughter has piano lessons for half an hour. She receives a trophy she won for three consecutive years of highest ranking in a local music festival. We are ecstatic. Both her sister and I have won this trophy in our time playing piano at the same festival.

4:20pm: Five minutes late getting my oldest daughter to her doctor's appointment. Our pediatrician retired and instead of starting my teenagers all over again with another pediatrician, I decided to just start them with the family doctor my husband and I see. It's an uneventful visit, which is all good.

5:00pm: Throw some chicken fingers and fries in the oven for everyone to gobble up.

6:30pm: Drop my kids off at our church, my husband is already there. We hold an annual Easter egg hunt and tonight is prep night instead of usual youth church services. But before I join them, I run dinner over for a good friend and her family, who added a new member a few days before. Babies! Yay!

7:15pm: Back at the church, I help sort candy and toy donations into Easter baskets. These are then wrapped in cellophane and labeled for prize drawings. There's a lot of volunteers helping set up, so by the time I am done with the baskets, there isn't much more to do.

8:10pm: With nothing else needed, I head over to another friend's house to watch Survivor. She has always been a major fan and has hooked me in the past couple years. I usually head over to her house to visit with her and her boys right after dropping my kids at the church on Wednesdays. Running a little late tonight, but in time to see most of the action. It's one of the highlights of my week because I know I'll get to spend time with her and the boys.

9:30pm: I head home. Spend the next hour trying to get my own kids in bed...teenagers! Can't get them in bed and then when you do, you can't get them back out.

11pm: I'm rarely asleep before midnight. Tonight I talk with my husband, jot some notes for this post, and read. I'm currently entangled in Voyager, the third book of the Outlander series. I'm loving it, of course.

And that's A Day in the Life of Me...wife, mother, teacher, friend, blogger. Thanks for stopping by! If you're interested in more of these posts, a link up to more of them is available here on Trish's site.


  1. Wow, that's a really busy day. I hope your house gets finished soon for the sake of everyone's tempers.

    1. Yes, thanks! It did turn out to be a busier day than usual for a Wednesday.

  2. I remember waiting for my house to finish being built. What a stressful time. It's so worth it though! Great post!

    1. That is what is getting me through - keep telling myself it will be worth it! Thanks!

  3. Busy day! I love the sound of the senior projects. I wish the high school here had done something like that. My daughter's honors 11 English was probably her favorite class in high school and she credits it with helping her write on a college level. Teenagers definitely have their quirks! I only have one left at home but he would happily sleep all day. I'm sure the other two aren't all that different but they're away at school so I don't see it!

    1. The students complain about Senior Projects all the time, but when it gets to presentation time, most of them are really proud of what they have to show. I'm hoping the research work with my 11th graders really prepares them for college too!

  4. I had to laugh about getting teenagers into and out of bed. I still have that to look forward to!

    1. I have to admit, I enjoy kids who don't get up early much more than those who do, lol. It's just a problem when we have something to do and really need to be on time!

  5. Very busy day! But I love that you're able to start it off with a little bit of club and fun. And I didn't like seeing your comment about getting the kids to bed. LOL! My littles were up until 9:45 last night and I was about ready to pull my hair out. And of course everyone was grumpy this morning. :)

    Yay Outlander. Reminds me that I need to google the new preview that just came out for the show. I'm counting down the days until the return. Ha! Thanks for sharing your day Jennine

    1. For some reason it takes over an hour to get ready for bed. I don't understand, but ugh. Got rid of my cable, so I'll be looking for streaming or the DVD set for season two after the fact. I can't wait though! Thanks for hosting this event Trish!

  6. Exhausting! Your classes sound awesome though! And Survivor! I'm so behind! The one show we usually watch in real time and this season, something happened and we can't seem to keep up. Sigh. Anyway, fun to see your day!

    1. Thanks. The cool thing about Survivor is that at least you can watch it online the next day - computer only. Mobile devices make you pay for and use the app.

  7. This was lovely and so packed with great stuff! I enjoyed reading it very much. Wow - lots of you in a 2 bedroom. Hope your house is finished soon. And how kind you are to visit with friends, deliver dinner, help set up for Easter. Thanks for sharing with us!!

    1. Thank you :) I think a key part of life is serving and spending time with others. My kids are somewhat busy, but not like they were as little kids, so I get to enjoy more time serving and spending time with others.

  8. What a nice post, and thank you for sharing it! Yep, teenagers are difficult to wrangle, but as they get older it doesn't get much easier until they leave the nest. I have two young adults with me, one F/T until next year and one on 3 day weekends visiting from school.

    I used to work in elementary schools, and I remember how fast my days would fly, because I loved the interaction with the kids and the staff. Good day, and it was interesting to read about a new (to me) blogger. :)

    1. Thank you! I've always said what I like about my job is that it's consuming. During the day it's just go, go, go. The students consume your attention, so work can be an escape from other life stress. And I enjoy them immensely.

      I've noticed my teenagers are difficult to wrangle in different ways when they were little, but still difficult, so you're right! I don't think I will make a good empty nester at first.

  9. Love this post! I just discovered A Day in the Life yessterday, so no time to post one of my own this go around. Hoping to participate in the next one!!!

    1. That's what happened to me last year! I subscribed to Trish's blog so I would get it in email.

  10. Oh man. I hope the renovations are done quick! We have three teens/preteens and two cats, and I can't imagine trying to cram us all into a two-bedroom!

  11. I'm enjoying reading all these posts! You certainly have a busy and full life -- full of young people! As a retired teacher, I loved reading about your day at school. You definitely have two full-time jobs: teaching and parenting! Thanks for sharing it with us.

    1. It was a busier than usual day too. My kids getting older they are getting more independent! It feels weird when I'm not busy.

  12. OMGosh! I'm tired just reading this. The lives of teachers. Love it.

  13. Wow, cozy living quarters. Hope the renovations are going well! We hold an Easter egg hunt too and filled over 2000 eggs last week! I saw eggs in my sleep! Love the Outlander series. I am currently listening to Drums of Autumn.

    1. It's quite a set up, but always fun and worth it! I'm deciding if I want to move straight on to Drums of Autumn or wait until summer.

  14. I'm a huge Survivor fan as well! My cousin and I text during every episode. It's about the only show I actually watch live every week! Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life!

    1. My friend's mom texts with us during it too! We have a group text called "Survivor." Haha - so funny.

  15. I'm with you on being a night owl and earlier riser at the same time! I rarely fall asleep before midnight either and often can't sleep past 6:30 or so. This reminded me so much of my years teaching :)

    1. That stinking internal clock! But I've always been a night owl. I often wonder what I'll do if I'm ever not a teacher. Seems like I'd end up with a lot of free time.

  16. Wow - hope the renovations on the house are progressing well - that sounds like a crowded apartment.

    1. It's moving along now...seems we have gotten through the annoying paperwork part. Watching it be renovated will be fun at least.

  17. Sounds like a fun day, but wow, 5 people in a small apartment? That sounds tough!

    1. We did a really good job of only bringing what we needed. But it is starting to smell doggy with three little dogs in a small spot. Lots of sweeping and air freshener.
