Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Reading My Own Damn Books

Going to start with this pile from a recent post.
2016 is looking promising!
How bout that title? Made me laugh out loud, but I can't take credit for it. It's a Twitter thing, I guess, but I heard it from Andi at Estella's Revenge. The challenge behind it however, I will totally take credit for since I posted it this time last year. And if Twitter just started it, then I'm totally hipster. Is hipster still a thing?


The idea is to read your own damn books, aka, books you already own. There aren't really any rules, unless you want to give yourself some. Last year I gave myself a few that turned out very well, so I think I'll stick with them again this year. Here they are from last year's original post, TBRs I Own Challenge:

1. E-books and physical books I pay for count against me as buying a book, obviously, but not if someone else gives them to me as a gift. (Who in their right mind would turn down free books?)

2. Library books do not count against me, but must be two year or older publications I've been meaning to read.

3. Newer books I get for free (from publishers or as prizes) do not count against me. I must still take advantage of great offers from publishers. But I will limit these big time.

4. Wishlist answers from paperbackswap do not count against me. They are all TBRs, some on the list for years now, and the credits I have are already paid for through previous trades.

5. Every book I already own counts as an option.

6. The challenge begins January 1st.

Believe it or not, in 2015 I only bought two books. In June I bought Go Set a Watchman, which was kind of a given and almost doesn't even count! And then Outlander #4 as a vacation souvenir, again, does that even count? It was a bad year of reading for me all around, so I hope this challenge can refresh 2016! Thanks Andi for the reminder.

Also, if you're interested in joining, Andi has a link up on her Reading My Own Damn Books post. Join us! #ReadMyOwnDamnBooks


  1. This is so important haha. I think too often we get carried away when we're at the library or bookstore, thinking there's no books to read when in fact there are just so many. Good on you for making this a goal!

    1. Exactly! It came to ,y realization last year that I change enough books at home to read a couple years at least without buying another one! Trying to cut back on spending was a big push too and helped me stick with it.

  2. Yes, totally yes! I decided to not accept any more review requests and just focus on my books next year (funny I said the same thing at the end of last year, but like you said, who in their right mind can refuse free books from authors and publishers). I'll be joining in. Thanks for sharing!

    1. So glad you're joining! I limited my review books big time last year and it made a difference. I left the option open in case a big title or author came up, which did a couple times...can't miss out on a big opportunity.

  3. I need to participate too, for the same reasons as every other participant in this challenge, obviously ;)
    Good luck with your "own damn books". I have to put order in mine... so scary!!!

  4. You only bought 2 books this year?! That's incredible! Good job! This # that Andi posted about has REALLY resonated with the bookish people! It's been a while since I've gone on a book buying binge and I've honestly read most of the books I own. It's the library trips that are killing me right now.
    Good luck with your 2016 reading!

    1. I own about 150 books that I haven't read, maybe more. I e started taking my books to the library to read, just for the atmosphere. I can't imagine the damage I'll do when I start taking books out again.

  5. So glad you're joining in! WE shall read the damn books!

  6. Ok I am totally doing this for 2016! I have several hundred books on my kindle to read and about 15-20 on my bookshelf. I'm going to make it a rule that I can't read library books for awhile too because they keep me from my own books. I think book club books will be the only exception! Thanks for sharing on the Small Victories Sunday Linkup!

    1. Yes! I ended up limiting my library books last year too for the same reason. I hope you have much success!

  7. I could probably easily do this with just the books I own but haven't read yet ... pretty sure I could get through one year at least :p Interesting challenge!

    1. Me too, which is why I think I ended up hardly using the library last year.

  8. Haha, I loved this title too. I also like that it's a challenge without many built in rules, so I'll definitely be joining in :)

    1. Isn't that the best part? It's stress free and useful!
