Sunday, March 29, 2015

Begin the Week with Words

Read The Unraveling of Mercy Louis, by Keija Parssinen this week. The review will be up tomorrow, but in the meantime, I found some really dead on quotes! A couple here that "wow-Ed" me this week.

"...she is starting to grasp what she was never able to learn from Mama: that there is grace in serving someone who can give you nothing; and that sometimes love is purest in such needs-meeting." 

"How easy it is to ignore contrary evidence when you’ve already made up your mind about a person." 


  1. I LOVE that second quote. I've been having that experience with a few different people this week in relation to some of their opinions about the company I work for!

    1. That's rough. People don't want to see what's right in front of them sometimes.
